Thursday, March 19, 2009

Valley Of Fire State Park

March 18th I will post some of what we are doing now and go back to Death Valley when I get the time.  I have so many more pictures of the area that I want to share with you.

Valley Of Fire gets its name from the sandstone formations.  Other rock formations include limestones and shales.  The red color of the rock formations is amazing.  Another of my favorite State Parks. 


Again we were up before 7 so we could be on the road by 8am.  I know most of you people are early risers but I like to stay in bed and cuddle with the evil kitty. 


Not sure what I was looking at, but must have been pretty good.  The red color in the rocks just does not show all that good in the pictures, but take my word for it they are very bright red.


This one shows the red coloring a little better.


Mouse’s Tank named for a renegade who used the area as a hideout in the 1890s.  It is a natural basin in the rock where water collects after rainfalls, sometimes remaining for months. 




Lots of these rock formations shaped like beehive in this area. 


Some of the beehives had opening you could crawl into.  Not me.


Elephant rock formation.  I had to climb up a pretty steep hill to get this picture.  Mike stayed below so he could pictures of my butt as I climbed.


Sorry I will not post a butt picture. 


We got tons of pictures of Lizards, they were everywhere in the valley.

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