Thursday, August 26, 2010

St. Martins And The Fundy Trial

Saturday August 21st

St Martins is a village with red cliffs and sea caves where the highest tides in the world sweep in and out.  As the tide goes out you can walk the ocean floor into the sea caves.

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The beach by the sea caves is known for the green rocks, I picked up a few not sure what I will do with them but they are pretty.

St Martins has a couple of covered bridges.

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I was able to get these pictures while driving the truck.  Mike said he could make it thru. 

We stayed at Century Farms family Campground in St. Martins.  Our site was just a few feet from the ocean.


Taken from the window of the MH


Lucy’s favorite spot to sleep, occasionally she sleeps so sound she falls off.  

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