Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Itasca State Park (part 2)

The sun was shinning and it was a perfect day for site seeing, and so off we went. I wish you could so all the pictures I took so many and they all are gorgeous.

A picture of Lake Itasca though the trees.
I could of spent the day here just setting and dreaming.

Mike took this picture of me at Peace Pipe Vista. You get a wide angle view of Lake Itasca at this overlook. It is a favorite place to watch sunsets and take pictures.

we We ran into this couple on the road, well not really ran into them, more like met them. They are from Frazee MN. The car is a 1908 High Wheel Blacksmith. The car is made from parts purchased and assembled by a blacksmith.

It was a great day for a ride. They did say it was a little chilly. Not much of heated in this baby.
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